Please contact your coach with questions or email:

DISCLAIMER: Consumers who use Herbalife Formula 1 twice per day as part of a healthy lifestyle can generally expect to lose around 0.5 to 1 pound per week. Participants in a 12-week, single-blind, study used Formula 1 twice per day (once as a meal and once as a snack) with a reduced calorie diet and a goal of 30 minutes of exercise per day. Participants followed either a high protein diet or a standard protein diet. Participants in both groups lost about 8.5 pounds. 

Step 1: Talk with your coach who will do a complimentary

Wellness Profile, calculate your ideal body numbers and help you

design a custom meal plan.

Step 2: Purchase products recommended by coach.

Step 3: Register now and pay your $20 entry fee to your coach directly.

Step 4: Take before photo with DATE visible in picture: 

4 photos required: Front view, back view, side view and picture of scale with DATE written on a piece of paper included in the photo

Step 5: Send before and final pictures to your coach on start day and end day of that challenge by 10pm.

Step 6: Check in weekly with your coach

Step 7: You must have a Facebook account to benefit fully from our online challenge. Simply set up a personal account at If you do NOT want a public account, be sure to select PRIVATE in the setup process.  

Step 8:  Join our closed Facebook group "Ready 4 Results" for updates, recipes, exercise tips, recognition and winner announcements, etc. (CLICK HERE).  Your request to join must be approved by a group administrator.

Step 9: Once you've been approved and added to our group, you'll be sent an invitation to attend our upcoming challenge. You mustrespond to the invitation by clicking "I'm going" in order to be added to the group. Any questions, please contact your coach or email

Step 10: Invite others to join! :) The more the merrier and the bigger the pot for the winners! :)

How It Works 

It's not about's about healthy!